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Brand Gem by Audette Sophia

In a Nutshell:

The Brand Gem is a Framework designed to help scattered Creatives & Entrepreneurs to crystallize their unique Value (X-factor) into
Golden Experiences & Versatile Assets. 

It combines elements of branding with integrative art, gameification, marketing, & experience design for a business activation unlike any other. 


The Brand Gem Methodology- X-Factor Value Map into Unique Experience Designs & Versatile Marketing Assets
Brand Gem Workshop with Audette Sophia

2 Free August Workshops 



 An educational & experiential deep dive into your own Brand Gem, one layer at a time.

The Brand Gem is a Value Map to clarify & crystallize your X-factor into golden artifacts & assets. 


Creators & Entrepreneurs of all kinds. 


When: ESSENCE on August 11th, & EXPERTISE on August 18th- both at 11am PST 

Brand Gem Workshop with Audette Sophia


Connect with Audette on LinkedIn
Audette Art on Instagram
Artistic Creative Pinterest rabbit hole by Audette